03 Nov 24 | A Prayer from Ellen Tisch

Each Sunday, a member of our congregation shares a prayer with us before the sermon, focused around what's happening in the world, our country and our community. We include them here for you to revisit and reflect on the words that they shared.

Me inoi tātou. let us pray. 

Jesus, you are good. You promise to hear us when we pray, so we bring these things before you this morning. 

We pray for the world. 

For federal elections in the United States and around the world, would you bring peace. To the leaders, to the respondents of the results. Bring unity over division. 

For those delivering healthcare across the Pacific, in hospitals, community clinics, in homes. Give them strength to care for the broken and wounded. Would healing and freedom to do life be found.

For our St Mark’s community. Would you invigorate new ministry and new life into the congregation and the building. That it may become a sanctuary for people to come and find you. 

Awaken us to awe and wonder of this whenua and all that it is. Teach us to care for its resources. 

We pray for those in our own whānau, communities and worlds we find ourselves in throughout the week. may we be people of compassion. People of shalom. 

For those of us struggling with indecision, anxiety, helplessness or fear. 

help us decide what best to do 

what next to do

or what to do at all. 

May we become more like you. 

Father, give us courage to keep on loving when others keep on hurting; help us to live an achy love, a gritty, persistent, and emptying love; a love that’s not afraid to flow toward the other who has little left to offer in return. And may we tread faithfully with heaven through the unfinished work that is surrounding us. 

Ake ake ake, amine. 


Tūmanako | Hope


20 Oct 24 | A Prayer from Wayne and Bronwyn Tucker