08 Sep 24 | A Prayer from Dawn Harris

There will be times of silence of our own personal prayers….

Let us be still,

slow our breathing and quieten our minds

Lord I am so glad to be here today – to be with my community, my church family,

singing songs of praise and praying with everyone and hearing your message and just catching up. This is our community that we love Lord.

It is a such lovely time of the year as we watch your creation unfolding in the new growth of trees and flowers emerging from their winter sleep.

May your Holy Spirit renew our lives, to renew growth within ourselves, and grow closer into a new relationship with you, a time when we discover just how much you love us and we love you Lord.

Help to find time this week to just be still and allow your spirit to speak into our lives.

It has been such a week of mixed emotions as we farewelled a much loved and respected Maori King and welcomed a new Maori Queen. We ask your blessing and guidance for her as she takes up the mantle…..As we watched the amazing athletes in the Para Olympics as examples of resilience, courage and never giving up and the people who loved them, supported the, encourage them to overcome adversity.

Lord, Inspire us with your Spirit to take time for those who are discouraged, who are unwell, who are just finding life difficult at the moment.

We give you thanks for the growth of OneDay Health and the work of Nick and Tessa and pray new connections that will enable more people to have access to health new hubs opening, more lives changed and more lives saved.

Lord for the week ahead, may we always know your presence with us..

Shine in our hearts and on our lives, fill us with joy, creativity, hope and laughter.

May we live with the kind of presence that enables other to feel at home.



The Prayer of Humble Access