Acceptance | Luke 14:5-24
Over the next 4 weeks I will be doing a series looking at the values of our church, starting this week with “Accepting” (or being inviting, inclusive, welcoming, hospitable, a place of belonging).
To reflect this, this week we will be reading from the parable of the great banquet from Luke, which illustrates the importance of inviting people who are marginalised or in need.
Luke 14:5-24
Prayers & Psalms
Each Sunday, prior to the sermon we have created a space for more voices from our community; One of our children read a Psalm from ‘Psalms for Young Children’ by Marie-Hélène Delval.
Followed by a prayer, shared by a member of our congregation, focused around what's happening in the world, our country and our community. We have included these on our Prayers Page for you to revisit and reflect on the words that they shared.
Apologies no YouTube this week due to a glitchy livestream - you can still listen to the edited sermon over on Spotify though.