I am the bread of life | John 6:24-35

This Sunday we read the story from John where, after performing the miracle of the loaves and fishes, people are demanding Jesus make more food.

Here Jesus is asking us to do something, to put Him at the centre of our lives. For only he can show us where to find hope and love and joy. He is asking us to believe in Him.

What would it look like to put Jesus at the centre of your life. To wake up each day & to wonder, Jesus how would you live today? If you asked Jesus, what would you say in this situation?

This is the invitation: come to me and you will never be hungry. You will never be thirsty.

Jesus is the provider of all life, of all hope and all truth.

John 6 24-35





You are what you eat | John 6:35, 41-51


Guest Speaker - Rosie Fyfe | 2 Corinthians 5:14-21