Weekly notices - 22 Oct 2023



It’s great to have you join us this morning. A special welcome to you if you are new here. We hope you’ll stay around after the service and say hi.

Kia tau te rangimarie,



Today’s service

This week we continue our look into the Anglican 5 Marks of Mission with number 4 in the series:

To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation


We have a number of really great services coming up in the coming few weeks;

Prayer and vision morning - Sunday Oct 29

At both the 9am and 10.30am services we will have a time to pray and listen to where God is calling us as a community. This is particularly poignant as we prepare to get our new community facility at the end of next year. The 9am and10.30am services will be the same, however the 10.30am service will include the children as part of the process.

St Mark’s Church Meeting - Wed Nov 1st at 7:30pm

This will look at the engineer’s report on what needs to be fixed to bring St Mark’s up to minimum standards for earthquake safety. It will also look at how much that work might cost. We have information from the Heritage area of the Christchurch City Council on their requirements. Alongside this, we’ll look at new guidelines from the Anglican Diocese on building sustainability within parishes.

If you are interested in being part of the evening let Tammy know so she can let you know the venue.

Bishop’s visit - Sunday Nov 5th

We will have just one combined service at 10.30am. There will be no 9am service and no St Mark's service that day. The children's programmes will run as normal. This will be a high point in our church year, so lock it in your diary.

Building updates

The side modules have been successfully moved into place on their new foundations, it’s exciting to the start of our new building taking shape! The fencing will be moving shortly as groundworks continue and we are expecting to the driveway to be closed for a week or so, as new drainage pipes are being laid. There will still be access to the carpark via Bassett Street while this takes place.

Please help keep everyone safe by being mindful that the property is changing; Please stay out of construction areas marked by construction fences, road cones, and other barriers; Drive slowly and carefully around site; Let church staff know if you ever spot something you feel is unsafe; and remind your children to stay away from the construction zone. Thanks!


We are so grateful to all those who contribute financially to the life of the church. You are helping to ensure that All Saints can continue to thrive and grow for future generations.

If you would like to join those who give regularly, you can find all the details you’ll need on the Giving Page.

Eco Church

Weekly tip:

Give away, get, borrow or lend things locally for free with the Olio app

Soft Plastic recycling

Bring along your soft plastics to drop off in the black collection bin at the church entrance on Sunday mornings. The Eco Church group will take it to a local collection point to be made into fence posts for farms and vineyards. More info: www.recycling.kiwi.nz


What’s On

There is a wide range of groups happening every week. Here are a few updates but you can see the full list on the What’s On page.

Prayer meeting

This Thursday 9.30am. Come and pray for the church and for each other. All Welcome.

Young Adults Group

All Saints Young Adults will meet next on Thursday 26th Oct at 7.30pm at 79 Bowhill Road

Women’s Small Group

We welcome women of any age and stage to join us for kai, kōrero, and fellowship.


Readings for next week

Proverbs 29:18


Need prayer?

We’d love to pray for you. Just fill in this quick online Prayer Request form


Weekly notices - 29 Oct 2023


Weekly notices - 15 Oct 2023