Hope | Tūmanako | Luke 21:25-36

Today we light the first candle of advent, Hope | Tūmanako and we prepare ourselves to receive Jesus in our own hearts and remember his coming 2000 years ago.

We also welcome Nick and Tessa Laing from One Day Health - visiting from Uganda, who talk to us about not getting weary whilst doing good.

Luke 21:25-36


Prayers & Psalms

Each Sunday, prior to the sermon we have created a space for more voices from our community; One of our children read a Psalm from ‘Psalms for Young Children’ by Marie-Hélène Delval.

Followed by a prayer, shared by a member of our congregation, focused around what's happening in the world, our country and our community. We have included these on our Prayers Page for you to revisit and reflect on the words that they shared.





Peace | Rangimarie | Luke 3:1-6


Christ the King | John 18:33-37