Weekly notices - 28 Jan 2024



It’s great to have you join us this morning. A special welcome to you if you are new here. We hope you’ll stay around after the service and say hi.

Kia tau te rangimarie,


Today’s Service

As we begin 2024, we may have face certain times and situations where we don't really know what to do, we may feel overwhelmed, we could feel alone.

Today we look at a passage from 1 Corinthians Chapter 8, that demonstrates how we are not alone. As Paul explains, the key is being part of a community. Part of a community where we can support, help and encourage the weakest people within it, those with the greatest need.

Although in today's society it may sometimes be easier to follow Jesus on your own, I encourage you, this new year, to come to church and be part of community and give yourself the opportunity to support, help and encourage others and find the same in return, through whatever 2024 may bring.



We welcome Cassie Kamunaga to our staff team. Cassie will be working one day a week on community building, and will coordinating our church camp this year.


9am and 10.30 am services resume this week.

Lighthouse Children’s Programme will start again Sun 4th Feb.

The first service at St Marks will be Sun 4th Feb, and continue 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.

Biscuits Biscuits Biscuits

As we return to our usual two services on Sunday, our morning tea stocks are running low. If you are able to donate some biscuits it would be greatly appreciated!


Most of our groups will be starting back in the next couple of weeks, so check out the newsletter for updates.

Youth Group resumes Weds 7th Feb at 7pm.

Special Events

See our Special Events page for details about Dallas Harema’s Waitangi series this February and our Church Camp in March.


We are so grateful to all those who contribute financially to the life of the church. You are helping to ensure that All Saints can continue to thrive and grow for future generations.

If you would like to join those who give regularly, you can find all the details you’ll need on the Giving Page.

What’s On

You can find out about all our regular events on our What’s On page.

Visit our church calendar to find out when our groups are running.

Readings for next week

Isa 40:21-31 Ps 147:1-11, 20c 1 Cor 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39

Need prayer?

We’d love to pray for you. Just fill in this quick online Prayer Request form


Weekly notices - 4 Feb 2024


Weekly notices - Jan 2024